LEGO Arm Skeleton, Bent with Clips at 90 degrees (Vertical Grip) 93609
LEGO Arm Skeleton, Bent with Clips at 90 degrees (Vertical Grip) 93609 LEGO Arm Skeleton, Bent with Clips at 90 degrees (Vertical Grip) 93609

LEGO Arm Skeleton, Bent with Clips at 90 degrees (Vertical Grip)

Color Element ID available Price Con.
Black 6146095 16 EUR 0,30 N
White 4611446 15 EUR 0,15 N
Cod. 93609 | Weight: 0,17g
N = new article U = used article


EUR 0,30

Prices without application of VAT pursuant to Article 1, paragraphs 58 to 89, Law 190/2014, flat rate and subsequent amendments

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