Before purchasing on our website you have to fill out a registration form. The compilation should be complete and must contain the tax code. The registration is completly free New Parts: All new pieces for sale are taken directly from new MISB LEGO boxes or purchased from verified suppliers. Even on new pieces, there may be slight variations in colour tones. For example on yellow, beige and bluish grey the shades between them might be slightly different. This does not depend on us. The pieces are original LEGO pieces but unfortunately LEGO has changed the shades of the various colours by a few shades over the years. No complaints will be accepted in any way for slightly different pieces as colour shades! Used Parts: All the pieces used on our site are rigorously checked and washed. On the used parts there may be some scratches or be slightly yellowed, however always in excellent condition. Claims for scratches or slightly yellowed pieces will not be accepted. 1. Minimum order amount: The required minimum order amount is about 5,00 Euro 2. Availability of goods: The Brickshop catalog provides access and gives opportunity to submit an order online simultaneously to all users logged in on the network. The actual availability of the ordered products is then modified in real time. In the case of orders coincide with the depletion of the stock, the goods could no longer be available immediately. In the case of missing goods for an existing order the customer will promptly be contacted by Brickshop to decide whether: - process the order partially - cancel the order - wait for the arrival of the temporarily unavailable goods 3. Refunds: In case of missing parts or sets regarding to existing orders Brickshop will issue a refund or, if customer agrees, a discount coupon for the missing amount. 4. Payments: Brickshop accepts several payment methods including: Paypal Credit Card Postepay Bank Transfer Cash on delivery (Service not active from December 8 to 24) 5. Adding pieces after purchase: You will only be able to add parts on demand to your order if the order has not already been paid for or already prepared. In that case you will no longer be able to add additional pieces to your order. Only upon request and if the package has not already been prepared, you will be able to add additional pieces to your order. Brickshop will charge an extra fee of 2 Euro + 5% on the total value of the added pieces. 6. Buyer obligations: The acceptance of the on-line order obligates the customer to purchase the order content and makes the customer approve the terms of conditions contained in this document. 7. Responsibilities: Brickshop assumes no responsibility for problems caused by force majeure such as accidents, explosions, fires, strikes and/or lockouts, earthquakes, floods and other events that could prevent to execute the whole order or part of it within agreed time. Brickshop assumes no responsibility regarding to damages, losses and costs due to the non-performance of the contract contents for the reasons mentioned above. Similarly Brickshop assumes no responsibility for any fraudulent or illegal use of credit cards, checks and other kinds of payment that may be made by not authorized third parties. Credit card payments on Brickshop website will be done using PayPal-System. This system provides secure connection to protect transaction datas against intrusion and data collection. As mentioned above Brickshop could not be responsible in any way for the illegal origin of credit cards data used for transaction. Therefore, only the customer who ordered and/or receives the goods will be responsible for the illegal use of the payment methods mentioned above. 8. Invoice: The Commercial Invoice of sale will be issued only if requested within 24 hours of receipt of payment. Invoices will be sent by email once the shipment. If you do not request invoice within 24 hours receipt of payment, the payment will be recorded in the corresponding daily and you can not issue an invoice. 9. Claims: For any clarification or claims Brickshop can be contacted through email to 10. About the Online Dispute Resolution platform (ODR): The ODR platform is an official website managed by the European Commission to help consumers and traders resolve their disputes out-of-court. If you have a complaint, or believe that we have not handled your complaint to your satisfaction, please contact the following link: |