LEGO Slope 45 1 x 2 with Cutout without Stud 28192
LEGO Slope 45 1 x 2 with Cutout without Stud 28192 LEGO Slope 45 1 x 2 with Cutout without Stud 28192 LEGO Slope 45 1 x 2 with Cutout without Stud 28192 LEGO Slope 45 1 x 2 with Cutout without Stud 28192 LEGO Slope 45 1 x 2 with Cutout without Stud 28192 LEGO Slope 45 1 x 2 with Cutout without Stud 28192 LEGO Slope 45 1 x 2 with Cutout without Stud 28192 LEGO Slope 45 1 x 2 with Cutout without Stud 28192 LEGO Slope 45 1 x 2 with Cutout without Stud 28192 LEGO Slope 45 1 x 2 with Cutout without Stud 28192 LEGO Slope 45 1 x 2 with Cutout without Stud 28192 LEGO Slope 45 1 x 2 with Cutout without Stud 28192 LEGO Slope 45 1 x 2 with Cutout without Stud 28192

LEGO Slope 45 1 x 2 with Cutout without Stud

Colore Element ID disponibili Prezzo Con.
Azzurro medio 6296622 2 EUR 0,29 N
Bianco 6166894 51 EUR 0,30 N
Blu scuro 6166857 6 EUR 0,19 N
Giallo 6228597 2 EUR 0,29 N
Grigio bluastro 6213378 90 EUR 0,24
EUR 0,19
Grigio scuro bluastro 6168776 42 EUR 0,19 N
Lime 6258413 6 EUR 0,29 N
Magenta 6295121 16 EUR 0,90 N
Marrone rossastro 6248854 14 EUR 0,29 N
Nero 6267487 2 EUR 0,30 N
Rosso 6275178 38 EUR 0,19 N
Rosso scuro 6267498 4 EUR 0,39 N
Turchese scuro 6430965 20 EUR 0,15 N
Cod. 28192 | Peso: 0,41g
N = Articolo Nuovo U = Articolo Usato


EUR 0,19

Prezzi senza applicazione dell’IVA ai sensi dell’art.1, commi da 58 a 89, Legge 190/2014, regime forfetario e successive modifiche

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